
How to Turn Off AutoPark on Dodge Ram

Vehicles these days are equipped with all sorts of features to make our lives easier. One of these features is known as AutoPark. AutoPark is a system that parks your car for you. It’s a great feature, but sometimes you may need to turn it off. In this article, I’ll show you how to turn off AutoPark on the Dodge Ram.

So, without further ado, let’s start!

What is AutoPark on Dodge Ram and why would you want to turn it off?

AutoPark is a great feature that parks your car automatically. It’s especially useful in tight spots or when you’re Parallel parking. However, there are a few reasons why you might want to turn it off. Maybe you’re going to be driving on an off-road trail and you don’t want your car getting stuck. Or, maybe you’re going to be towing a trailer and you need full control of your car. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to turn off AutoPark on your Dodge Ram.

How to Turn Off AutoPark on Dodge Ram

The first thing you need to do is put your car in park. Once your car is in park, you’ll need to find the AutoPark button. This button is usually located on the left console near the door. Once you’ve found the button, press and hold it for three seconds. After three seconds, the AutoPark system will be turned off and you’ll have full control of your car.

The Benefits of Turning off AutoPark on Dodge Ram

There are a few benefits to turning off AutoPark on your Dodge Ram. First, it gives you more control of your car. This is especially useful when you’re driving in off-road conditions or towing a trailer.

Second, it can prevent your car from getting stuck in tight spots.

Third, it can prolong the life of your brakes by not engaging them unnecessarily.

And Finally, when you open the door, it automatically put you on AutoPark, sometimes it’s really frustrating. So, turning off AutoPark on Dodge Ram will give you freedom.

Keep in mind that turning off AutoPark also means that you’ll have to park your car manually. So, make sure you’re comfortable with your parking skills before you turn off this feature!

Benefits of Dodge Ram AutoPark Feature

The AutoPark system on the Dodge Ram is a great feature that can make your life easier. It’s especially useful in tight spots or when you’re Parallel parking. Some of the most useful benefits are:

⭐ The main benefit of the AutoPark feature on your Dodge Ram is that it takes the stress out of parking. If you’re Parallel parking, the AutoPark system will take care of everything for you. All you have to do is put your car in park and the system will do the rest. It’s a great feature that can make your life a lot easier.

⭐ Another benefit of the AutoPark system is that it can prolong the life of your brakes. This is because the system only engages the brakes when necessary. So, if you’re frequently parking in tight spots, the AutoPark system can save your brakes from wear and tear.

⭐ Finally, the AutoPark system can prevent your car from getting stuck in tight spots. This is because the system will automatically park your car for you. So, if you’re worried about getting stuck, the AutoPark system can give you peace of mind.

⭐ Overall, the AutoPark feature on your Dodge Ram is a great addition that can make your life a lot easier. If you’re looking for a stress-free way to park, the AutoPark system is definitely worth considering.

Tips for driving your car with the AutoPark turned off

Now that you know how to turn off AutoPark on your Dodge Ram, here are a few tips for driving your car with this feature turned off:

✅ Use your mirrors to help you park. This is especially important when you’re parallel parking.

✅ Go slowly! When you’re first getting used to driving without AutoPark, it’s important to take things slow.

✅ Practice, practice, practice. The more you drive without AutoPark, the more comfortable you’ll become.

FAQs about AutoPark

Q: Can I turn off AutoPark while my car is moving?

A: No, you can only turn off AutoPark when your car is in park.

Q: What happens if I turn off AutoPark and put my car in drive?

A: It will disable doing automatically putting your car on AutoPark. So, you have to manually set your car to park before every time you get out of the car.

Q: I turned off AutoPark and now I can’t turn it back on. What do I do?

A: Don’t worry, you can always turn AutoPark back on by pressing and holding the button for three seconds.

Q: I’m having trouble parallel parking. Any tips?

A: When you’re parallel parking without AutoPark, it’s important to use your mirrors to guide you. Go slowly and be extra careful not to hit the car in front or behind you. With a little practice, you’ll be a pro in no time!

Q: Is it legal to turn off AutoPark?

A: Yes, it is legal to turn off AutoPark. However, we recommend only turning off this feature if you’re comfortable with your parking skills.


I hope this guide was helpful in explaining how to turn off AutoPark on your Dodge Ram. Remember, this feature is only meant to be turned off when you’re comfortable with your parking skills. However, you can easily reactivate it by pressing and holding the button for three seconds.

Thanks for reading and happy driving!

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