
How to Tie a Mattress to a Car Roof Rack

If you’re looking to transport a mattress by car, you may be wondering how to do it safely and securely. A mattress can be heavy and awkward to carry, so tying it down to your car’s roof rack is the best way to ensure that it doesn’t move around during transit. With just a few simple steps, you can safely and easily secure your mattress to your car’s roof rack.

Keep reading for instructions on how to do it yourself.

How to Tie a Mattress to a Car Roof Rack

If you’re looking for a new way to transport your mattress, consider tying it to your car roof rack. This method is simple and efficient, and it won’t damage your vehicle or the mattress. Here’s how to do it:

1. Get the right supplies

First, you’ll need to gather some supplies. You’ll need:

✦ Two pieces of rope, each twice the length of your mattress

✦ A measuring tap

✦ A sharp knife (optional)

2. Measure and cut the rope

Use a measuring tape to determine the length and width of your mattress. Once you know these dimensions, cut two pieces of rope that are each twice the length of the mattress. If you don’t have a measuring tape, you can estimate the length and width by holding the mattress up to your car and marking where it meets the edges of the roof.

3. Tie the ropes around the corners

Tie one end of each piece of rope around one corner of the mattress. If your mattress is too thick to tie the rope around, you can make a small cut in the fabric with a sharp knife and then thread the rope through.

4. Secure the ropes to the roof rack

Wrap the ropes around the car roof rack so that they are secure. You may need to tie the ropes in a few different places to make sure they are sturdy.

5. Tie the other ends of the ropes together

Finally, tie the other ends of the ropes together to hold them in place. You can do this by making a knot or by tying the ropes to another part of the roof rack.

6. Drive safely

Now that your mattress is secure, you can hit the road! Just remember to drive safely and keep an eye on the ropes to make sure they don’t come loose.

Tips for a safe trip


✅ Make sure your mattress is securely fastened to the roof rack before you start driving.

✅ Check the ropes periodically to make sure they are still tight and in place.

✅ Drive slowly and carefully, especially if you’re carrying a heavy mattress.

✅ If possible, avoid highways and bumpy roads.

✅ Be extra cautious when making turns or stopping.

✅ When you reach your destination, unload the mattress and check it for any damage.

Extra precautions you can take

✅ Use two pieces of rope instead of one to secure the mattress.

✅ Wrap the rope around the mattress several times before tying it to the roof rack.

✅ Use a bungee cord in addition to the rope to secure the mattress.

✅ Bring along a blanket or tarp to cover the mattress while it’s on the roof.

Things to avoid when tie a mattress to your car

Driving with a mattress on your roof rack is not a regular thing you always do. So, there are some important roles you should always follow. Here they are:

⚠️ Don’t leave the mattress on the roof for more than a few hours at a time.

⚠️ Avoid driving in extreme weather conditions, such as high winds or heavy rain.

⚠️ Don’t overload your car or exceed the weight limit for your roof rack.

⚠️ Don’t tie the mattress too tightly to the roof rack. You should be able to slide your hand between the mattress and the rope.

⚠️ Don’t use plastic or nylon ropes, which can stretch and break easily.

⚠️ Don’t use rope that is frayed or damaged in any way.

⚠️ Don’t tie the mattress to the car door or window.

⚠️ Don’t forget to secure the other end of the rope so it doesn’t come loose while you’re driving.

With these tips in mind, you’re sure to have a safe and successful trip!

Is it legal to tie a mattress to your car?

In most states, it is legal to tie a mattress to your car as long as it is done securely and does not obstruct your view. However, there may be some restrictions in place depending on the size and weight of the mattress. It’s always best to check with your local DMV before tying a mattress to your car.

The reason behind this question is that many people think it’s illegal to have anything protruding from the back of their car. While this is true in some cases, such as with trailers and campers, a mattress does not fall into this category. As long as you secure the mattress properly, you should be fine.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that the mattress is not too big or too heavy. If it is, it could cause damage to your car or make it difficult to drive. Second, be sure to secure the mattress well so that it doesn’t come loose and fall off while you’re driving. Finally, keep an eye on the mattress while you’re driving to make sure it doesn’t shift or move around.

With these tips in mind, you should be able to safely and legally transport a mattress on your car.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the best way to tie a mattress to a car roof rack?

A: The best way to tie a mattress to a car roof rack is by using two pieces of rope. You should also wrap the rope around the mattress several times and tie it in a few different places.

Q: Can I use a bungee cord to secure the mattress?

A: Yes, you can use a bungee cord in addition to the rope to secure the mattress.

Q: What kind of rope should I use?

A: You should avoid using plastic or nylon ropes, which can stretch and break easily. Instead, opt for a sturdy rope that is made of natural fibers.

Q: How long can I leave the mattress on the roof?

A: You should avoid leaving the mattress on the roof for more than a few hours at a time. If you need to store it for longer periods, it’s best to keep it in a garage or storage unit.

Q: What are some things to avoid when tying a mattress to a car roof rack?

A: You should avoid using damaged or frayed rope, and you should also avoid tying the mattress too tightly to the roof rack. Additionally, don’t forget to secure the other end of the rope so it doesn’t come loose while you’re driving.


Tying a mattress to your car roof rack is a great way to transport it without damaging your vehicle or the mattress. With just a few simple steps, you can secure your mattress and be on your way. Read the whole article carefully to know the best way to tie a mattress to a car roof rack.

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