
DIY Rolling Shop Stool | A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you always looking for a place to sit while you work on your car? Are you tired of having to get up and move every time you need something from the other side of the garage? Then you need a rolling shop stool! Not only will this make your life easier, but it can also add some much-needed storage to your garage.

I’ll show you how to DIY rolling shop stool using a few simple tools and supplies. So without further ado, let’s start!

DIY Rolling Shop Stool: Step-by-Step

Whether you’re a mechanic looking for an upgrade, or simply need a place to rest your feet, read on for instructions on how to make your very own rolling shop stool!

Now, let’s get started building your own rolling shop stool. If you follow these simple steps, you’ll have a sturdy and comfortable stool in no time.

What you’ll need:

  • 1×4 wood (length will depend on the size of your stool)
  • Plywood
  • Casters
  • Drill
  • Jigsaw

1. Cut the Pieces to Sizes

Using a miter saw, cut your 1×4 wood into the following lengths:

  • 2 pieces at 18 inches (for the legs)
  • 2 pieces at 21 inches (for the sides of the stool)
  • 1 piece at 24 inches (for the seat of the stool)

From the plywood, you’ll need to cut:

  • 1 piece that’s 17 inches by 24 inches (this will be used for the bottom of the stool)
  • 4 rectangles that are 2.5 inches by 4.5 inches (these will be used for the corners of the stool)

2. Drill Holes and Attach the Legs

Using a drill, create two holes in each of the 18-inch pieces of wood. These holes should be about an inch from the end of the wood and spaced about 6 inches apart.

Then, take your 21-inch pieces of wood and attach them to the 18-inch pieces using screws. Be sure that the screws are long enough to go through the plywood (which is 1/2 inch thick).

Next, take your casters and attach them to the underside of the stool legs. Again, be sure to use screws that are long enough to go through the plywood. You can space these out however you’d like, but we recommend putting them near the corners of the stool.

3. Assemble the Stool

Now it’s time to start assembling the stool. Begin by attaching the 24-inch piece of wood to the 21-inch pieces of wood, using screws. Then, attach the bottom piece of plywood to the frame using screws.

Next, take your 4 rectangles of plywood and attach them to the corners of the bottom piece of plywood. This will give the stool some extra support.

Finally, flip the stool over and test it out! If everything looks good, your rolling shop stool is complete!

4. Add a Finish for Protection and Aesthetics

To protect your stool from water damage and scratches, we recommend adding a finish. You can use a wood sealer, paint, or even just a few coats of clear varnish. Just be sure to let the finish dry completely before using the stool.

And that’s it! You now have a functional and stylish rolling shop stool that you made yourself. Be sure to show it off to your friends and family, and enjoy your new workspace!

Enjoy your new rolling shop stool!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to use plywood for this project?

Answer: You can use any type of wood that you’d like, but we recommend using plywood for the bottom piece as it’s more sturdy.

Q: Can I make the stool taller or shorter?

Answer: Yes! The great thing about this project is that you can customize it to your needs. Just be sure to adjust the lengths of the pieces accordingly.

Q: Do I need to use casters?

Answer: No, you don’t need to use casters. However, they do make the stool more mobile and easier to move around.

Q: Can I add a backrest to the stool?

Answer: Yes! Just be sure to add support underneath the backrest so that it doesn’t tip over.

Q: Can I use this stool outdoors?

Answer: I don’t recommend using it outdoors as it’s not weather-proof. However, if you do choose to use it outdoors, be sure to add a finish that will protect it from the elements.

Q: Can I use this stool as a chair?

Answer: I don’t recommend using it as a chair as it’s not designed for that purpose. However, if you do choose to use it as a chair, be sure to add a backrest for support.

Final Verdict

In the end, I hope that this guide has helped you in your quest to build a rolling shop stool. With just a few simple items, you can create a functional and stylish piece of furniture that will make your workspace more enjoyable. So get building, and enjoy your new rolling shop stool!

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